If you or a loved one is experiencing domestic violence or sexual abuse Eagle Valley Behavioral Health encourages you to get help. The following facilities and therapists are available to support you with confidence.  
Colorado Mountain Medical & Bright Future Foundation – Victim First Care | En Espanol
If you or a loved one have suffered assault or abuse, call (970) 422-3202. Victims under the age of 18 should report to Child Protective Services at 1-844-CO-4-KIDS (1-844-264-5437).

The Victim First Care program is to provide Sexual Assault Nurse Examination and Forensic Nurse Examinations (SANE/FNE) for prompt medical care and emotional support to assault victims - right here in Eagle County, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

SANE/FNE examiners are specially trained registered nurses and nurse practitioners. Partnering with Bright Future Foundation, CMM’s Victim First Care program provides expert medical and forensic care, as well as access to confidential advocacy services and no-cost behavioral health services for anyone who has experienced sexual assault or interpersonal violence. Transportation options are available.

Bright Future Foundation | 24/7 crisis hotline (970) 949-7086
Bright Future Foundation administers Eagle County’s only 24/7 crisis hotline (970) 949-7086. Advocates, trained in the dynamics of domestic violence and sexual assault, safety planning, and access to community resources, provide confidential support and referral services to individuals and families. Bright Future Foundation believes that every client, no matter how great the adversity, has the strength within to live fuller, happier and more productive lives. Clients are served holistically in an effort to support each of them to experience long-term change, and ultimately individual self-sufficiency. 

Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault is an organization that provides leadership, advocacy and support to address and prevent sexual violence.  

Eagle County Sheriff's Office Victims Advocates | 970-328-8544
Becoming the victim of a crime, having a family member violated by a criminal act, or witnessing a crime may evoke many emotions. Confusion, anger and frustration are only a few of the emotions you may be feeling as the result of being a crime victim. The Sheriff's Office realizes victims and their family members have special needs following a crime or crisis. The goal of the Sheriff’s Office in helping meet those needs is to provide an extensive, service-oriented support system for anyone impacted by trauma. These services provided by the Sheriff’s are not confidential, anything that is disclosed will become part of a case. 
If you have reported a crime to law enforcement and would like more information and support through the criminal justice process feel free to contact the Victim Services Unit at victimstaff@eaglecounty.us or call 970-328-8544.  

National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233

National Sexual Assault Hotline